Phase 1

At launch, phase 1 will feature a beta version of X Draw and X GPT, and is estimated to last between 1 to 3 months, depending on the speed of our team's development. This phase focus on building the fundamental and adoption of $XAI token.

  • 20,000 $XAI holders

  • X Draw version 1

  • X GPT version 1

  • X Scanner - BNB Chain, ETH

  • CoinGecko Listing

  • CoinMarketCap Listing

  • Trust Wallet Dapp Inclusion

  • Token Pocket Dapp Inclusion

  • Media Releases on News Editorial Site

  • CEX Listing & Adoption

  • Billboard Marketing

  • CoinZilla and Crypto Platform Banner Marketing

  • Offline Roadshow

Last updated